At tonight’s CCSC meeting, the CCSC announced its first-ever set of official referendum protocol — until this point, nothing on student polling had ever been formalized, at least within CCSC. 

According to the memo passed out at the meeting, CCSC is developing a committee to set poll regulations. According to VP of Policy Adil Ahmed, who — along with 2011 President Learned Foote — presented the Referendum Protocol at the meeting, the creation of the committee is necessary to orchestrate the large-scale polling that the ROTC vote and Universal Swipe vote will require. Ahmed explained that the goal of creating the Protocol Committee is figuring out how to administer the poll(s) fairly and universally.

As for the Barnard-ROTC question, Bwog spoke with SGA President Sarah Besnoff, who only responded that she “will be attending the next meeting of councils and leaders discussing this issue — and we’ll go from there.”

(At this time, the New York Sun has also reported on the upcoming ROTC vote.)

Ultimately, of course, this polling is just a barometer on student opinion and doesn’t necessarily have any effect on the actions of University Senate.

Other stuff happened at the CCSC meeting too. The senior class council is–as per usual–pushing to get Barack Obama as class day speaker, and according Class Rep Colin Felsman, Obama was initially receptive to the idea of speaking at a campus event.

Also, Lerner Pub will start on the 18th, so bring your seven forms of ID and a DNA sample, and those two beers are all yours.