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Submit a Tip

Submit a Tip

Use this form to anonymously submit a story idea, juicy tidbit, or any other information the Bwog Staff should know. Include an email address if you’d like us to get back you.

Remember: tips are 100% confidential. If you give us sensitive information, such as your identity, your secrets are safe with us.

Tips for submitting tips:

Want us to investigate something on campus? We do too! Unfortunately, we are not omnipotent, and we rely on sources for our news. If we can’t get a source, we can’t publish an article.

The more you tell us, the more likely we are to be able to write a story. Names, dates, organizations are very helpful. Give us as much information you can, so we know who we could further reach out to.

“Members disaffiliated from Frat Apple Beta Pie” is good, “John Smith and Jane Doe disaffiliated from Apple Beta Pie to protest the higher cost of dues” is better. We can reach out to John Smith and Jane Doe for comment, instead of relying on hearsay, and knowing the reason for disaffiliation helps us with our research. So tell us everything you know!

You can also send us photos, videos, or forward us emails at We will be able to see the sender’s name, but again, tips are 100% confidential, and your name or any identifying information will not appear anywhere unless you explicitly want it to.