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Posts with Category "CCSC"

This week, CCSC hosted GSSC representatives to talk about ongoing problems with course search and registration, and a potential upcoming proposal for a new platform. 

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This week, CCSC discussed the relationship between Columbia Public Safety and the NYPD, had a Naloxone training, and presented planning updates. 

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After interviewing candidates, Bwog has chosen to endorse Sadia Safa and Cenker Camci for the University Senate and the members of CC: Represent! for CCSC. Find our detailed endorsements below.

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The University is recording faculty stances tomorrow on its plan to integrate Columbia College and the School of General Studies further into Arts and Sciences, the University division which also oversees a number of graduate schools.

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CCSC members engaged in a balanced share of work and play for their last meeting of the year.

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In response to CCSC’s survey about a proposed expansion of Columbia College, students shared their thoughts about campus life and how it would change with 500 new students at the school.

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After interviewing each candidate, Bwog has chosen to endorse Virginia Lo, Sadia Safa, and Albert Grass for the University Senate and Ali Winter for Student Services Representative. Find our endorsements below.

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With one more meeting left before the semester ends, CCSC considers making the current Task Force structure permanent. 

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CCSC convened in the Satow room to review expansion survey results and conduct E-board office hours.

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Are you running for student government? Why not seek out a Bwog endorsement to help your campaign!

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During their first General body meeting after Spring Break, CCSC mulls over the VP Equity proposal and discusses last-minute suggestions for the expansion survey.

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During their last meeting before spring break, CCSC members deliberate constitutional amendments and brainstorm structures for an upcoming expansion survey.

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CCSC members gathered in a peculiarly arranged Satow room to discuss long-term proposals and funding caps for incentives among other housekeeping notes.

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For their first meeting back in person, CCSC members exchanged updates and began the appointment process for VP Finance.

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