The Columbia Bookstore is full of fun treats and knick knacks – here’s a look at some of store’s expensive as shit priceless treasures!
- The lion does not wish to be fed at this present moment.
- Pretention is timeless.
- Golf is Important for finance networking. Columbia is important for finance networking. Golf=Columbia? Semi-valid syllogisms anybody?
- Do you have the burning desire to actualize your upbringing? Do you want the world to know? THEN BUY THIS LITERAL SILVER SPOON.
- Buy this blue book, and the glory of academic redemption in the comfort of your own dorm is yours!
- This is mildly uncomfortable, but points for indoctrination!
- Your newborn will grow out of these in three days – but you’re already looking to purchase these, so that obviously doesn’t matter!!! Have fun!
- Genuine leather. Genuinely horrific.
- Seriously well crafted art installations though.
1 Comment
@Anonymous What lovely placement on that Trump monstrosity