Is that a selfie stick

Last night, General Studies Student Council updated the GS community about upcoming events and new positions.

First President Larosa spoke about his progress in regards to securing Lerner space for student groups like student unions or LGBT groups. He explained that Lerner staff were hesistant to give any space toward identity focused group. Each representative then gave updates to the council about their work.

Policy VP Silin Huang has been going over the constitution and has organized (along with Chief of Policy Raisa Flor) data collection about each position on council.

Next, the Diversity and Equity Representative wished council a happy Valentine’s Day and spoke about her special policy initiative for refugee and undocumented students. She summed up her meeting with Dean Hartford and stated that they were in the process of “finalizing the approach to special policy.” She hopes to tackle their issues through 3 approaches: branding and publicizing, bringing in law school students for consultations, and setting up a mentorship program.

The Chief of Finance updated the council on their co-sponsorship of the MilVets ball. Although GSSC was originally supposed to subsidize 10 free tickets for students with financial needs, the MilVets reported that 12 people had applied for the fund. The Finance pole explained that they wished to extend this support to the extra two students for a sum of $160. This motion was approved.

VP of Campus Life Brett Krasner spoke about upcoming events. Campus Life is in the midst of planning for gala and the tickets will be on sale during the first week of March. GS will be having a Mardis Gras party on February 25 between 8pm and 12am at Amity Hall. Krasner asked for $3,050 to fund this event, a motion that was approved by the council. Snack attacks will take place during the first full week of March and will cost $3,700. GS Week, which will take place from March 2, will include a talent showcase, a Shabbat dinner, an international/cultural day, a MilVets day, and puppies! Anyone may also nominate their dean or professor to speak on the day dedicated to faculty (send suggestions to

First Year President Nicole Rodgers spoke about her involvement with Barnard contingent faculty and their upcoming strike. She is also involved with the Native American council to find a way to “integrate better planning and organize an event during POW WOW,” which will be hosted by Columbia this year. She reminded the council that the first year formal themed Fifty Shades of Blue will be taking place in the Diana Oval next Thursday.

Two nominations:

  • Piragathesh Subramanian is nominated for the Alumni Affairs Representative. Far from being a new addition to the council, Pira was First Year Representative last year. He is a neuroscience major on the pre-med track and is concentrating on Human Rights. He is also the youth representative in Singapore’s parliament.
  • Joshua Sam Meyer is nominated for First Year VP. A freshman from Toronto, Sam is also on the pre-med track and served in the Israeli air force before coming to GS.

Drunk in Love Album Cover via wikimedia