This is what we like

Bwogline: The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences announced that it has recently expelled Roman Polanski and Bill Cosby from the Academy. Following Harvey Weinstein’s expulsion in October, the Academy came under fire for not previously condemning Roman Polanski. Cosby’s expulsion comes following last week’s guilty verdict on three accounts of aggravated indecent assault. (CNN)

Study Tip: Treat yourself. For every page you write of your essay or every hour you grind, reward yourself with something small like ice cream, culminating into some large reward at the end.

Procrastination Tip: Sunbathe all day. PrezBo screwed y’all over with setting his weather machine to sunny during reading week, but if you’re going to fail anyway, let it be warm.


Be happy it’s almost over.

Overheard: “I’m never donating to Columbia. Every year I’ll send them the receipts from my donations to Penn.”

sunny days are here to stay via Public Domain Pictures