We’re back with Science Fair, Bwog’s weekly curated list of interesting STEM-related talks, symposiums, and events happening on campus. For science and non-science majors alike, our list will bring you events that will satisfy your scientific curiosity for everything from astronomy to zoology, and everything in between.

For anyone, related-majors and non-majors alike:

  • Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Fernando Perez (UC Berkeley): Pervasive, open data science in the next decade: a view from Jupyter
    • Thursday, May 9, 4-6pm, Pulitzer Hall, The Brown Institute, Click here for more info
    • “The overwhelming rise of data is not a matter of debate nor an interesting prediction anymore, it is simply a pervasive reality across virtually every domain of human activity… I will discuss some of the history that got us here, from the perspective of the Scientific Python ecosystem and Project Jupyter. But I will also explore the new challenges we face as these tools mature and intersect both with the needs and power of industry titans, and with the incentives of institutionalized academia. Finally, I will discuss questions that arise as small groups of tightly connected volunteers grow into large communities, where matters of diversity and governance become critical factors.”
  • “Uncovering the “Dark Matter” of the Chemistry of Life: a Universe of Signaling Molecules,” Biology Seminar by Frank Schroeder (Boyce Thompson Institute)
    • Monday, May 6, 12pm, 601 Fairchild, Click here for more info
    • “How can we complement genomics and proteomics of animal model organisms such as C. elegans or Drosophila with a comprehensive structural and functional annotation of the corresponding metabolomes?… Our goal is to develop a systematic approach for linking small molecule metabolites directly with genotypes and probable biological functions.”
  • “Completing our picture of the neutrino” a Physics Seminar by Joshua Spitz (UC Berkeley)
    • Monday, May 6, 12:30pm, Pupin Hall Theory Center 8th Floor, Click here for more info
    • Nearly 90 years after its proposed existence, the neutrino remains largely mysterious and elusive. We don’t know if matter neutrinos behave differently than antimatter neutrinos, we don’t know which of the neutrinos is heaviest, and we don’t know how many types of neutrinos there are… Along with discussing the recent MiniBooNE results and introducing SBN and JSNS2, I will touch on the first measurement of the 236 MeV kaon decay-at-rest neutrino, recently performed with MiniBooNE. The significance of this and future studies, in terms of elucidating both the neutrino-nucleus interaction and oscillations, will be emphasized.

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