Have you ever wanted to hop on a pile of leftover lentils and take a sweet ride on that conveyor belt? Us too!
Look, the temptation to contort your lil bod and crawl onto the John Jay conveyor belt is strong. We’ve felt it too! Who doesn’t want to see where all the mysterious piles of mush and the remnants of grain bowls go? It would be like going through the car wash!
Anyway, Bwog figured out where the magical conveyor belt goes so you don’t have to. Don’t try at home kids!!
- Nothing! It literally never ends
- The end of a rainbow
- The G-spot
- The Mario Badescu cleanser
- My motivation
- CUMB’s funding
- PrezBo’s boudoir
- The bathroom at 1020
- The water bottle guy’s training room
- Your NSOP friends
- A well-paying but emotionally fulfilling job offer after graduation
- JJ’s 2: 2 Fast 2 Furious
- Student debt forgiveness
- The fields of Asphodel
- The city of El Dorado
- My will to live
- Your cookie sheet someone stole from the kitchen but none of your suitemates will admit they took it
- The Diana smoothie bar
- It’s an entrance to the Columbia tunnels
- That one girl from that one “missed connections” Bwog post so many years back
- The 1 train that was supposed to come 20 minutes ago why isn’t it hERE i’ve been waiting for HOURS
- Pizza rat
- Barnard’s endowment (one soggy green bean, one dirty dish, and three discarded eggshells)
- the Bermuda Triangle
- Amelia Earhart
- Walt Disney’s frozen head
- Your sketchers from kindergarten
Have you yourself hopped on that conveyor belt and slid on down to Trash Town? If so let us know what you found!
Real human student via Bwog Staff.
1 Comment
@Anonymous what’s at the end of the conveyor belt is working class people who clean up rich college kids’ garbage