Look no further for your Valentine this year, as Internal Editor Aditi tries to set up yet another one of her friends.
Name, Year, School, Major: Rita, 2023, Barnard, Political Science
Preference (girl for girl, etc): Girl for Boy
Hometown: Torrance, California
Your nightmare date in seven words or fewer: “Wanna make out in front of Schermerhorn?”
What redeems you as a human being? Blowing up on Twitter and TikTok, my bookstore obsession, and being a fashion icon.
Library room of choice: Milstein green chairs (but the taller ones).
Beverage of choice and why: Cold brew with oat milk.
Which dating apps have you been active on? (Be Honest). Tinder and Hinge.
If you had to eat one meal from a dining hall for the rest of your life what would that be? Everything from the Fyul section at Hewitt.
Where can you usually be found on a Saturday night? Having a dinner night with my friends in the city.
Historical Hottie: Percy Jackson