I get SAD (a wonderful double entendre meaning seasonal affective disorder). You know I get sad and I can’t let go of what I’m sad about.

More often than not, the Holiday Spirit™ makes me so, so jolly. But, sometimes, on dark and dreary nights when it’s 10 degrees outside and I’m all alone with my thoughts and a paper to write, I still want to feel the Holiday Spirit™, or, I guess, the Holiday Spirit™ (Sad Girl Version). Sometimes, I don’t know all I want for Christmas and I don’t want to light Lady Gaga up, put her on top, and “fa la la la la la la la la.”

So, welcome to the playlist I made to get me through it all and/or make me inevitably sadder (you’ll be surprised how utterly depressing an indie cover of a classic holiday song can be). And don’t fret, there will be a HAPPY holiday music Bwaylist coming soon. You can be happy, I guess.

A very sad Christmas tree via Flickr