While this Bwogline is hot off the press, it’s still not as hot as today’s weather!

Happening in the World: The top court of Hong Kong recently ruled that the city’s government must create a legal framework recognizing same-sex partnerships within two years. This comes two months after Nepal and four years after Taiwan legalized same-sex marriage. The ruling also is a sharp contrast to a lower Hong Kong court ruling against same-sex marriage four years earlier. However, the courts did not outright recognize marriage with the legal framework. Activists are happy with the result but wait to see specifics of the policy put in place. (NYT)

Happening in the US: Gabriel Amo won the packed Rhode Island democratic primary for its first congressional district and is now projected to be the state’s first representative of color after this November’s election. Amo has previous experience working in the Obama and Biden administrations. He beat what was seen as his main opponent, progressive and former state legislator Aaron Regunberg, for the nomination by over 7%. (NYT)

Happening in NYC: It’s hot! A post-Labor Day heat wave has descended over the city. Make sure to stay hydrated, stay cool, and keep an eye out for New York Times photographers. The unusually high temperatures—although seemingly recurring in recent years—arrive as people begin their transition to the upcoming Autumn. All aspects of New York life have experienced some discomfort—from college students moving in for the semester to star athletes down in Flushing Meadows.  (NYT)

Happening in Our Community: Check out St. Paul’s Chapel from 3 to 5 pm for the Religious Life Activities Fair! There’s information about multi-faith opportunities on campus—and ice cream! (Columbia)

A Detroit Block Playing in a Fire Hydrant via Wikimedia Commons