Don’t wanna be an American idiot!

Happening in the World: A severe drought at the Panama Canal has forced authorities to cut ship crossings by 36%. New cuts were announced today, and it is now estimated that this could cost the country between $500 million and $700 million. This is one of the most severe droughts to hit Panama, and the Panama Canal is one of the most important trade routes in the world. The drought has been attributed to climate change and El Niño. (AP)

Happening in the US: Last night, a school board in Ann Arbor, Michigan, became one of the first in the US to vote in favor of a statement calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. The vote, which was four to one, caused significant conflict in Ann Arbor. Supporters of the statement argued that it was a moral necessity, while others feared it would lead to antisemitism in the district and threatened to remove their children from school. The decision has received support from both Jewish and Palestinian Americans. (NYTimes)

Happening in NYC: Green Day entered the Rockefeller Street station last night in disguise, alongside Jimmy Fallon, and treated commuters to an impromptu concert ahead of their 14th studio album. The concert featured hit songs “American Idiot,” “Basket Case,” and more. Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon participated by playing the tambourine and jumping up and down. (Gothamist)

Happening in Our Community: A screening of Hold Me Tight will be hosted in Buell Hall tonight from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The movie is in French, with English subtitles, and features a family drama storyline. Registration is required.

Green Day via Wikimedia Commons