Someone doesn’t know how to have fun. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of violence.

Happening in the World: Former Sinn Fein leader, Gerry Adams, faces a lawsuit in the UK by three people wounded in an IRA attributed bombing during The Troubles over 50 years ago. The three claimants are looking to prove Adams responsible for the bombings, and if won, will only receive £1.27 for “vindicatory purposes.” (AP)

Happening in the US: Chicago citizens discovered their beloved Rat Hole was filled in early yesterday. After national panic, a few volunteers went and dug out the hole, restoring it to its former glory yesterday afternoon. (NYT)

Happening in NYC: A SUNY teaching hospital in Brooklyn faces plans to be drastically down-sized or shut down. The only state-run teaching hospital in New York City, SUNY Downstate has been concerned about a lack of patients and operating deficits for a while. Plans have been announced to shrink the hospital, and although there is another hospital nearby, Downstate provides some specialized care that some members of the community are concerned about. (NYT)

Happening in Our Community: Today the Columbia Business School is holding a breakfast and lunch for Module V of EC-America. The Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness program for entrepreneurs of established firms is aimed at empowering participants to expand methodologies and improve their companies.

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