Happening in the World: In the midst of the United States and the Taliban signing an agreement to end war between the two groups, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani objected to a part of the agreement that has the Afghan government reslease 5,000 Taliban prisoners in exchange for direct talks.  The Taliban currently control more Afghan territory than at any other point since 2001. (Al Jazeera)

Happening in the U.S.: One day afer the first coronavirus death in the United States, a nursing facility in Washington state is being investigated for a potential outbreak of coronavirus after two people test positive within the facility.  Positive testing has been reported by local labs but have yet to be confirmed by the Center for Disease Control. (CNN)

Happening in NYC: The New York plastic bag ban goes into effect today, prohibiting the distribution of single-use plastic bags in grocery stores, bodegas, and other establishments accross the state.  The state currently uses 23 billion single-use plastic bags annually, most of which become garbage.  New York is hoping to join the wave of other states reducing their plastic use. (New York Times)

Happening on Campus: Today is the last day of the Athena Film Festival, a weekend of films focused on extraordinary women leaders hosted at Barnard College.  Check out their schedule to participate in programming and viewing of documentaries, shorts, and feature films throughout the day. (athenafilmfestival.com)

Bodega via Da Undercard