When in doubt, piss-based humor always sells.

Quiplash is a game like Cards Against Humanity: you get a weird prompt and you have to come up with a funny response, but instead of having funny cards, you just have your brain. Released by Jackbox Games, the original game supports 3-8 players and an audience of up to 10,000 who can’t write their own responses, but who all get to vote and laugh along nonetheless. The sequel, Quiplash 2, builds off the popularity of its predecessor, keeping the weird, occasionally lewd (and sometimes offensive) prompts while adding in new mechanics to innovate and improve the experience, including the option to upload custom question sets.

These games are great for connecting with friends, particularly during this time of social isolation. Only one person has to own the game, while everyone else logs in via their mobile device; you and your friends can simply pool your money for one copy of somewhat pricy Jackbox Party Pack 3 (currently on sale for $16.24). From there, you can just share your screen and go nuts!  Bwog itself has partaken in some Quiplashing to kill time until we can finally see each other again on campus and we realizing that there was a niche market on which we could capitalize: Columbia-themed Quiplash questions! Below, we’ve compiled some of our best prompts for you to upload to your game and keep your Columbia friends entertained for at least a solid 15 minutes. And given the state of the world right now, isn’t that the most you can ask for?

If you do play with your friends—whether they’re from your hometown or campus—share your best answers with us in the comments or on our social media! And if you have ideas for your own prompts, take some time to share those too.

  • Forget Beginner’s Mind. Deantini’s new catchphrase is [blank]!
  • PrezBo sold his weather machine and his Audi to buy [blank]
  • Ferris now presents its newest pizza creation:
    • Alternatively: JJs Late Night now serves [blank]
  • Name for a calculus class for humanities students that are afraid of math.
  • Instead of leaving your ID at the desk, what do you now do to sign into a dorm?
  • The latest questionable Spec op-ed to go viral is about [blank].
  • Our big act for Bacchanal canceled at the last minute. Which campus character do you get to perform instead?
  • Scott D. Helfrich is not a real campus administrator. He’s actually [blank].
  • The featured ingredient in the new Hewitt smoothie is [blank].
  • What hellish fate awaits you in the Schermerhorn Extension?
  • Wow! What’s that new smell coming up from the 116th subway grate?
  • You want your Intro to Econ professor to notice you amongst the sea of 350 students. What do you do to stand out?
  • Why does all the food in Ferris taste the same?
  • What is being served in the Diana bowls today?
  • “Roar, Lion, Roar” is overplayed. What’s the new fight song?
  • Broke: Physics for Poets. Woke: [blank].
  • The Mechanical Engineering department just opened a new lab! What are they studying again?
  • Three-word review of your 8:40 am.
  • What fresh horror has the Carman RA written their residents up for now?
  • What SEAS really stands for
  • The actual difference between Barnard and Columbia students is [blank].
  • You can get to Schermerhorn Extension by just [blank].


your excellent answers via uihere