People said some funny stuff while they watched the Lunar Eclipse last night.
One man, all within a minute, on Low Plaza: “The moon is bleeding! The moon is disguised as Mars. The moon is hiding from Venus.”
More questions and observations from the 150-ish people gathered to watch the sky eat itself:
(At 2:05 AM) “We’re just waiting for the world to end. I think we’ve got another hour.”
“Dude, did you pregame the Lunar Eclipse?”
“I’m so cold. I definitely should have worn underwear tonight.”
Eclipse photos by Peter Sterne and anonymous tipsters, man asleep under Butler mural by Mariela Quintana
@emily is so pretty. in that picture. and always.
@Ben and Emily are the cutest people ever. That’s just, like, one of the greatest photographs of two of the greatest people. Ever.
@Peter Sterne thanks, but don’t forget about Yonatan!
@Anonymous “Dammit, I was going to show her my full moon. And then deffract light off her body with mine.”
@Peter Sterne is a major creepster, yo.
@Anonymous As some kids break out in a drunken stupor of Roar Lions Roar someone goes “SHUT IT. Trying to watch the moon over here.”
@ryan i said that!
@Anonymous i was singing that!
@pregaming the moon = way more fun than studying for my final
@To the Kid with the Red Blanket The pattern on yo socks is ridiculous!
@Anonymous “Go MOON! You did it!” ~Some Girl
“Looks photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels. Yup, definitely photoshopped.” ~Some Guy
@merry christmas It was santa’s sleigh passing by the moon..
@Guess what bwog I’m done bitchesssssss done with finals fuck finals, cuz im done. now i got absolutely nothing to do.
@Mediocre Art Hum Student The dude sleeping under the Butler mural looks like one of those Christ entombed paintings
@You missed the \It looks like a giant peach!\ guy.