And here we are at our PE Madness Semifinals (right?). Weird took on Masturbatory as Back to Summer Camp fought Catharsis. Who came out on top?
That’s what it looks like when Pilates and Fencing collide.
No thanks to you guys, Bwog argued these two contentious debates out, trying to figure out which would be the best. Ultimately, Pilates and Fencing won in their respective categories.
Pilates: The win came first from the thought of having to schedule a full Saturday around going Hiking. What if you were super busy that weekend? A full day? A Saturday? That’s also sacrificing a Friday night, mind you, and probably that Saturday night since you’ll be exhausted.
Another staffer looked at the pros of Pilates—the fun in “judging people’s fitness attire/counting the Lululemon logos in the room.” Moreover, Pilates itself is just a fun thing to do and will make you be fit without having to run around creation. Speaking of which…
Fencing: As one staffer concisely put it: “fencing because basketball requires running and coordination and fencing=jabbing people=stress relief.” Fair enough. We’re also giving them the win today due to our team’s triumphant overseas accomplishments. And also THE OLYMPICS.
We’re leaving this one up to you guys. Mainly because we drew all over the space where we were supposed to write in the winner and because seniors had their registration already, meaning that this contest is effectively moot–just as it has been from the start–let’s be real, you’re going to end up taking whatever’s open and the least terrifying once your own registration period rolls around.