In which Bwog correspondant Taylor Walsh lets you in on the drama that is the class of ’08’s respresentative body.
The story of the ’08 class council is one of the more bizarre in recent CCSC lore, so last night’s debate promised to be an interesting one. And despite a slow start, it did not disappoint.
While both current ’08 VP Neda Nevab’s Access Party and Matthew Schoenfeld’s Lions ticket remained surprisingly docile and rehearsed in the first part of the debate, as soon as they were allowed to directly question one another, the gloves came off.
Schoenfeld, infamous for his e-mails, threw the first punch, asking Neda to explain why she had asked two members of his party to run with her. Nevab didn’t miss a beat, responding that she had spent her time on council working well with both Christopher Tortoriello and Lindsey Lazopoulos, and that she had thought they would make great representatives on her ticket. Fine, except that Lazopoulos is running as Schoenfeld’s VP, and a murmur went through the 60-person crowd as everyone realized what Nevab was implying: Oh no she didn’t!
Building on that awesome momentum, Nevab’s VP candidate Michelle Diamond fired back. The earlier portion of the debate had been very amicable, with both parties acknowledging the others’ successes. Apparently, Diamond was through with that: “If you’re so willig to commend our work on council– which far exceeds anything the council accomplished freshman year– why did you choose ro run against us?” she asked Schoenfeld. More excited rumblings from the crowd: ooh, the claws come out!
Given this class council’s sordid history, it will be very interesting to see which party comes out ahead. The team of Diamond and Nevab, dressed in identical little blazers and slim-fitting pin-stripe pants, passed the CTV mic back and forth like a duo of seasoned local newscasters, delivering their answers as if they were reading off a teleprompter. They can talk, and Nevab does have recent experience at the CCSC grown-ups table that Schoenfeld’s ticket lacks. But, between Schoenfeld’s antics and Lazopoulos’ proven skill at throwing a hell of a study break, the Lions Party might inject some needed life and spirit into the class of ’08.
The Spec also reports.
Photo by Sumaiya Ahmed
@hjfghcghfghc Lindsey Lazopoulos is a dirty slut
@Butt Access.
@RA This actually might make me watch CTV for the first time ever. Is it being looped?
@cj everything on ctv is looped
@less biased cc sophomore i was there, this was hilarious. nice job.
@wtf yes, as if that is going to make me vote for access.
@cc sophmomore vote for access. they are more productive. that is all. just vote.
@bwog reader lets go lions!!!
@Vote for Access
@voter [access]:
Hotty McHot and Hottie McHot
Matt and Hottie McHotHOTT
it’s 3 hots and Matt vs 4 hots. Hot trumps Matt. [access] wins.