backtoschoolWell, we were around all summer, but many of our tipsters were vacationing in exotic places while we jealously fumed at our office cubicles, idly surfing Gawker. Today marks the launch of Orientation Bwog – a surge of special Bwog coverage, compressed into ten days of “advice” you won’t hear from NSOP, CULPA, your OL, your RA, and definitely not your FYSAAC advisor.

If this is your first time with us, Bwog  —the online incarnation of The Blue and White, Columbia’s monthly undergraduate magazine, captures the Columbia zeitgeist. Our tipsters feed us gossip and news, which we whip into snarky yet civilized posts for your edification and entertainment.

We need your eyes and ears. Catch an old man looking at porn in the Butler computer lab? PrezBo taking his morning run? Your roommate picking her nose? Like the civilian guardians of subway security, if you see something, say something. Snap a picture, shoot off an e-mail—we may not post it, but you’re doing Columbia a valuable service.

Send tips to

And keep refreshing. Bwog might be talking about you.