A frantic ALL CAPS subject line from CUArts, just in!
Go see a FREE discussion with the Turkish Nobel Prize winning writer Orhan Pamuk (who’s sorta kinda associated with Columbia, maybe). Quick, there are only 50 tickets left! CUArts warns us they’re opening up admissions to the general public as we speak. Hurry! OH NO! They’re almost gone! They’re moving at light speed!
Details after the jump…
Arthur Danto and Orhan Pamuk (Nobel Prize, Literature ’06)
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Miller Theater
Purchase Tickets (NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)
For any questions about tickets please call (212) 851-1872 or send an e-mail to cuarts@columbia.edu
@yeah I agree, jumps are irritating and unneccessary in most cases
@Anonymous again, absolutely no need for a jump. bwog, you’re pathetic.
@Yeah unless you don’t want cuarts getting spammed by relentless Google hits. Or because most people don’t want to read email bodies. Get over it.
@Anonymous YOU ARE A MORON.
1. if you don’t want cuarts to get spam, don’t list the cuarts email address.
2. cuarts probably has decent spam filtering software, and if they don’t, they deserve spam.
3. if you don’t want people to visit the cuarts website, don’t list the cuarts website.
4. cuarts probably has enough capacity to take lots of google hits, and if they don’t, they deserve to crash.
5. stop being such a moron. bwog is not slashdot. bwog is not digg. listing cuarts on bwog is not going to take down cuarts. there is no such thing as the bwog effect. no, not even getting bwogged.
6. maybe the information in this post came from an email body, but i don’t care. just list the key details and a link in the main part of the post.
7. if one only had to ‘jump’ to see the original email, that would be OK. but the date and time of the event are fairly important parts of the post, so you should really include them in the main part of the post.
8. jumps are fucking stupid. first, they are a waste of time. second, jump is such a stupid word for clicking a link.
9. commenter #2, you are blatantly a bwog editor, so why don’t you post as bwog staff.
@Phew … wow
@what the heck? a 9 point diatribe on why a cut isn’t needed? what the hell?