Dear Readers,
Bwog staffers are currently racing to finish the abnormally large and rather exciting April/May issue of the print issue, so we’ll be taking a short hiatus this weekend. Please keep sending in tips, and we’ll be back on Monday!
Edit- 10:15pm – We have been alerted there is some sort of “blood wrestling” event in front of EC right now. Enjoy?
@bwog? if you’re out there and you’re listening, do you think you could maybe have a place where deleted comments go? while i agree some comments don’t belong here, my intense curiosity is dying to see what kinds of things are written.
maybe you could put together a “comment hell” where the really mean or unacceptable comments go to burn for eternity? i mean, or not. whatever.
@wow my comment was so dead on, it wasn’t just deleted, but completely EXPUNGED. way to have a stick up your ass, bwog.
@Threadjack Congratulations to the Ivy League Champions in Women’s Golf and Men’s Tennis…
Columbia Ivy Titles this season:
@i'm too lazy to look for this, but what is the policy on deletions? Given some of the things I’ve seen around here, I was surprised that such a policy even existed.
@damn the man. fuck you bwog for taking away my first amendment rights!
fuck fuck fuck
@???? whats with the rampant censoring bwog? i dont doubt it was deserved, i know better than to question your judgement but i feel like ive seen the deleted comment message 3 or 4 times in the past few days (twice on this thread now)
@hrm I tend to assume the impending finals madness is making people crazier than usual, thus saying obnoxious things that need censoring.
@Lydia Well spotted. Actually, we’ve been deleting nasty comments all along, but just figured out how to use our “delete politely” button instead of the “expunge” button, which means that you’ll be seeing more censored comments in the future.
@huh? a ripoff because they gave you too much food?
@c&r chicken and rice was kind of a ripoff. I didn’t want such a big portion, or to pay $7. how do people eat that much for a midnight snack!?
@Its the first step In re-acqusition of Pakistan by India
@Anonymous Org. of Pakistani Stud. Hangama 2007
***The South Asian Mock Wedding of the Year***
Low Steps, 3pm TODAY
CU Bhangra, NYU Bhangra, CU Taal, CU Raas will all be performing, along with SURPRISE dance performance
@so... free chicken and rice? or just…chicken and rice? it makes all the difference in my decision to attend after all.
it used to be the pakistani mock wedding didnt it? when did it get slightly more generalized?
@all in the name of peace and harmony.
@Hah. Were you even THERE for more than one match? After the hot water finally happened there were about six more, maybe four if you don’t want to call lesbian makeouts “matches”.
@no offense no offense to all your hard work, but I much prefer bwog over the magazine
@pictures? anyone have blood wrestling pics?
esp. of this one hot girl?
@^___^ Co-ed Naked Blood Wrestling was AWESOME.
@ehh not really. not many hot chicks except for that girl who already got down to her undies in previous issues of the fed.
fat men wrestling in vaguely blood colored water is not good for anyone.
@mlp And the weekend’s still not over yet! Philo, for one, will be holding our annual Croquet Tea tomorrow/today on Math Lawn.
@i thought so because i was waiting for an update of the 1001 things going on on campus today…
Not to make this seriously serious, but it was a rather beautiful ending to a rather difficult week…
I love this school…
@The Dink noooooooooooo!!! without bwog i cease to exist. at least i can get some work done now.
@ugh no i cant get work done still because im sure i’ll keep checking back in hopes that they took a break from whatever they were doing to write a post!