Bwog editor applications due in a little over 24 hours! Just in case the little box thingy that’s been up all week escaped your notice!
Bwog editor applications due in a little over 24 hours! Just in case the little box thingy that’s been up all week escaped your notice!
@Kevin Not so fast, Fire Guy.
@dwight you ignorant slut
@Anonymous Goal: To Gain Experience as a Mainstream Member of the Liberal Media.
Education: Hollywood Richjewman Commie High School
University of Havana North Campus
Experience: I enjoy manipulating public opinion for a modest amount of money.
I perversely hate everything I’m supposed to love.
I worship Satan.
I question things that I know are unquestionable.
I have seen no less than three pornographic films and touched myself once without even feeling bad about it.
I drink the blood of Christian babies.
I want to steal everyone’s money and light it on fire.
I want to steal everyone’s fire and divide it equally, regardless of how much sweat dripped down an individual’s brow as he or she attempted to start a fire.
I didn’t start the fire.
It was always burning since the world’s been turning.
I want to give aborted fetuses birth control pills, and failing that, to give them abortions.
As you can see I am dedicated to the red herring and would make a fine addition to your lie-machine
@omg There are so many comments to be made about this that I don’t know where to start. I’ll just address one line from above and leave the rest for others to enjoy ridiculing.
You feel bad touching yourself? Seriously? Fuck once, I never feel bad when I touch myself and I don’t think many folks do…right or left, christian or not, fucking retarded (like you) or not, etc.
Though, props for working in billy joel, that’s nice.
@agreed “I want to steal everyone’s fire and divide it equally, regardless of how much sweat dripped down an individual’s brow as he or she attempted to start a fire.”
Is my favorite, as any six year old will tell you that you can SHARE a fire without losing its individual value. What kind of douche would even conceive of STEALING fire (Greek titan’s aside)?
@the office “I didn’t start the fire.”
I know who did!!!