The New York Times’ Election Guide 2008 is a handy tool for figuring out the political affiliations of tight-lipped professors, distant cousins, and friends. Entering in a zip code will yield a listing of all the political donors in that area, including to whom that money was donated and how much. Here are some Columbia names:
Name, Affiliation: Dollar Amount, Candidate
Hillary Ballon, CU: $2,300, Barack Obama
Jean M. Bollinger (yes PrezBo’s wife): $500, Hillary Clinton
John Coatsworth, SIPA interim dean $1000, Chris Dodd
(Coatsworth’s wife has given $450 to Obama)
Deborah Coen, Barnard: $350, Hillary Clinton
Edward Coffman, CU: $150, Barack Obama
Jonathan Cole, CU (Former University Provost): $1000, Hillary Clinton
Geraldine Downey, CU (V. Provost for Diversity Initiatives): $2000, Hillary Clinton
David Epstein, CU (Political Science): $250, Hillary Clinton
Bruce Greenwald, Business School: $2300, Mitt Romney
Lance Liebman, Law School: $250, Joe Biden
Thomas Pogge, CU (Political Science): $300, Barack Obama
Leo Spitzer, CU (History): $350, John Edwards
Joseph Stiglitz, Business School: $2300, Barack Obama
Tim Wu, Law School: $500, Hillary Clinton
Richard Bulliet, CU (History): $4600, HIllary Clinton
Maxine Griffith, Executive VP for Government and Community Affairs: $250, Hillary Clinton
M. Dianne Murphy, Athletics Director: $2250, Hillary Clinton
Judith Shapiro, Barnard President: $1000, Hillary Clinton
David Weiman, CU (Economics): $258, Barack Obama
Priscilla Ferguson, CU (Sociology): $856, John Edwards
For the full list of all Columbia employee donors, just search for yourself. Click “more search options” then scroll to “employer” and enter “Columbia University.” Thanks to Julia Kalow for the tip.
@Columbia University The audacity of the expansion octopus
@CC 08 Real intellects donate to think tanks, not candidates.
@how predictable a bunch of Columbia professors donating to support liberal candidates. I’ve never seen the left-wing bias of this campus so blatantly obvious.
This is a problem. We need more conservative voices so that those ideas aren’t drowned out by the liberal ones.
@1231321 Bah! How many professors are there in CU? How many professors are listed above? Foo.
@ZvS “Drown out”? I didn’t realize we formed our opinions with the help of a laugh-o-meter.
@DHI What rule makes it necessary for a group of academics studying a variety of subjects to divide their political views in the same way as our two major parties?
@Anonymous The RULE OF LAW.
@Maybe you can’t be both intelligent and (at least socially) conservative at the same time?
@tell that to William F. Buckley, Thomas Sowell, Russel Kirk, et. al, and everyone at Heritage, AEI and, to some degree, Hoover.
@o please Kulawik, everyone can tell when you comment on Bwog!
@Agreed We also need more soviets and Nazis to balance the clearly anti-soviet and anti-Nazi bias on this campus.
Not all views are reasonable; not all views deserve representation.
@1231223 Columbia University: Fame Glory & Wealth, Obama
@Alex S Zach Braff put in $2300 for Obama. Maybe he’s hoping Barack will let him compile the campaign bus soundtrack?
@idk i’m pretty sure the zach braff you’re thinking of isn’t employed by toshiba tv…
@Romney? I just lost all respect for Hubbard and his bullshit textbook. Why oh why would an intelligent person vote Romney.
@because Hubbard is the dean of the business school. Romney is a product of Wall Street at a little place called Bain Capital. People like Hubbard get appointed to key positions in the government by people from Romney’s party (see: Henry Paulson, Ben Bernanke, etc.)
@That's lame I don’t buy that – if that was true, he’d vote for Giuliani, who is the most fiscally conservative of the bunch. He could have voted for Hillary, who is also pro-business (just ask John Mack).
@maybe it has something to do with the fact that Hubbard is one of Romney’s economic advisors. Also recall that Hubbard was the Chair of the president economic counsel under Bush.
@omg i knew i loved tim wu for a reason!
@ron paul! Bruce Ciaccio, a research scientist with the Dept. of Pharmacology, gave Ron Paul $250!
@negative amounts happen in instances like this:
you donate $1000 to a candidate. then you donate again, but put in $2300, the maximum. instead of it calculating $1300 and counting it as one donation of 1000 and another of 1300, it counts as one donation of 1000, one donation of 2300, and a negative donation of 1000. that way, if you enter a number over the maximum, it won’t allow you to actually donate that. the negative amount isn’t taken back from the candidate, but is held back from the donation itself.
@probably the 856 dollars was part of an elaborate scheme to allot money to multiple candidates of the same party based on support of the candidate and the candidate’s need.
@girl2 Is this true?
@wait guys What about Matt Schoenfeld?
@anti-"anti-anti-rjt" dude, that is my screenname. while i appreciate the sentiment, and i agree that #21 is a twat-waffle, there’s only one guy out there who owes a blood debt to rjt, and that’s me, the true anti-anti-rjt.
Rob Trump uber alles.
@anti-rjt What do you call lame jokes about presidential candidates that are only ironically funny?
Ipso facto, Rob Trump sucks.
@anti-anti-rjt: you’re an idiot–#4 was totally funny.
argument won!
@Julia Kalow is sooooo hot right now.
@Mike Fuckabee Hold on, guys. Why doing I see some people as having given $-10. What, the candidate gives the Donor money?
@question does bwog have any information about this? are all the candidates coming to columbia on 1/27?
@wirc Other notables:
Ballon: $2300, Obama
Kroeber: $400, Obama
Stiglitz: $2300, Obama.
One person went for Paul, three for Romney, three for Biden, one for Richardson.
And apparently Nancy Cauthen donated $8 to John Edwards.
@DHI It’s all about Obama in my neighborhood.
@alexw Hillary would lose to every Republican front-runner in the election. A donation for Hillary is essentially a donation for a Republican. This is why Stiglitz ($2300 to Obama) continues to rule.
@DHI I think Hillary made it very clear that it makes her PERSONALLY happy to win things, and unhappy to lose things. So if she’d be happier being the runner-up for President instead of the runner-up for the nomination, it’s sort of mean not to help her.
Also, I was reading it wrong and it’s actually about even between Obama and Hillary.
@alexw Also, Giuliani is inexplicably raking it in from neighborhood.
@alexw Also, Giuliani is inexplicably raking it in from my neighborhood.
@ttan Bwog, you missed “Robert Hubbard”, also known around here as “R. Glenn Hubbard”, who gave $2300 to Willard Romney.
@daniella who the heck gives $856?!
@AMC “M. Dianne Murphy, Athletics Director: $2250, Hillary Clinton”
She and Hillary once dated.
@Sprinkles What is “C.R.E.A.M.”?
@JJV Cash Rules Everything About Me. Learn yourself some Wu-Tang.
@JJV sorry, around, not about
@hah who knew bulliet had so much cash to piss away on a primary election?
speaking of which – isn’t there a limit on these donations? I thought it was like $2500 per person.
@campaign worker The individual donation rules are $2300 max for the primary and $2300 max for the general election.
@hmm so if someone is listed as giving 2300 twice, does that mean they gave to a candidate that might not win the nomination for the general election? and does this mean they’re barred from donating again after the nominee is selected?
@why do clowns becoming so crucial to the election process?
they great fun-raisers!
@rjt What do you call a crazy leprechaun who wants to spin straw into the gold standard?