Remember how this weekend was all balmy and lovely? Are you loving today’s ultra-freeze? The winter season seems to be in full swing, but campus is a little behind. Behold Liz Naiden’s montage of delightful fall foliage after the jump.

If you’d like to submit a photo essay, we’d love to publish it! Send photography to

@Methinks... …these photos are actually good. They’ve just been subjected to some poor JPEG compression.
@by the way i just now noticed they moved the bench from the front of math to the side of low. wtf
@wow ya’ll are bitches. these are indeed very pretty. if you think you can do a better job, you submit some stuff.
@Hey, Look! Someone thought it would be nice to submit some work that they did to Bwog which they thought other people may enjoy! Let’s rip them a new one!
@w/e this is not work
@columbia is pretty ugly in these photos. fire your photographer, bwog.
@Anonymous fall is happiness.
@yeah looks like stevie wonder took a disposable camera and pointed it wherever which way he so pleased
@epic pwn