Bwog’s in the market for a daily editor or two for the new semester. The job: writing the various posts for your designated day (QuickSpecs, free food, gossip, etc.), covering breaking news, and generally running the Bwog’s minute-to-minute operations. Perks include scaring administrators, advance free food knowledge, the chance to write witty headlines, and free extra emails.

So here’s what to do — send us the following:

1. Five (5) QuickSpec headlines for any issue from this week.

2. One (1) previous Bwog post you liked and why.

3. One (1) previous Bwog post you didn’t like and why.

4. A list of five (5) ideas for future posts and/or consistent features.

5. A mock Bwog post on any topic of your choice, not to exceed three hundred (300) words.

Email these things to by Sunday, January 25th at 11:59 PM. Email any questions to this same email address. For those who are interested in contributing to Bwog in other ways, we’ll be looking for arts, theater, student government and sports correspondents – details to follow soon. Happy applying!