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– Thurman, on right, with Moravec (photo by Lucien Marc Smith) |
At least one senior already has a solid paragraph for the alumni notes: yesterday, the Times‘s “The Moment” blog briefly profiled soon-to-be-graduate Kyle Thurman. Thurman and recent New School grad Matthew Moravec are five days into their first art show, running until March 29th at the Art Production Fund (229 West Houston Street). Their show’s name? “The New Deal.” Somewhere, Alan Brinkley approves.
Moravec and Thurman (whose girlfriend, Mirabelle Marden, as in daughter of Brice, was one of the co-founders of the influential Rivington Arms gallery) are not the only “young’uns” making up the show: the eleven artists’ ages range from 19 to 26. As for the next step, Moravec told Interview magazine, “We’re young. We’re all in the same situation: finished school, finishing school. Trying to figure it all out.” At least they’ve got something to fall back on.
@kt berre first off, how do you know these kids have a trust fund? second of all, if you want to make constructive criticism, maybe you should focus on something other than their hair. the only people that look foolish are those of you wasting your time on bitter comments. congratulations to two young artists.
@ho hum columbia is out-sexied by our downtown brethren yet again. mr. thurman would be well advised to get a better haircut and nicer dress if he’s going to be a purveyor of art and style
@Dear God. You did not just imply that a “faux-hawk” is a better haircut.
And dressing like you don’t give a damn is #1 in the ‘artiste’s handbook.
Along with referring to movie as film and liking your coffee black.
@Curious Is being in your first art show a big deal or something? Does one normally need a BA first? I’m unclear why this is important.
@... it’s new york “society” rich people fawning over other rich people, then demanding attention for it. they usually get it because the local media is made of of people who have the hots for the young, well groomed and wealthy.
@--- You are misquoting people if you actually read the Interview article.
@hmm Isn’t he Bob Thurman’s son?
@not Bob Thurman's son Thurman’s children are older than this. And have names like Uma and Ganden.
@isn't the whole point with trust funds, that you only get them when you do awesome things like going to law school and marrying big-nosed rich girls?
are the rich getting more liberal in doling out their cash or are we a little quick to the punch?
@-tsk- As far as I’ve seen those awesome things are usually:
a) graduate from a top college (check)
b) reach a certain age
@well The whole point with trust funds is for the rich to pass on money to their children. The rich have always been liberal in dolling out their money to their own children. Nothing special is required except being born to the right parents.
@... i wish i had a trust fund too…
@Congrats You read my mind.
@Jaded That really sums it all up, doesn’t it?