The Journal of Philosophy, run and published by Columbia’s philosophy department, has been around in one form or another for more than a century, and it is certainly an important part of the university’s reputation: PrezBo’s a trustee of the journal. But the Internet Age is leading to criticism of the journal’s editorial process. 

Most recently, a posting by Huron University professor John Turri at a Baylor philosophy blog shared a “horror story” of two of his papers sitting for a full thirty-five months “sitting at this journal, waiting to be read … or, actually, waiting to not be read, as it turned out.” Repeated emails to the journal elicited little response as well. And Turri is apparently not alone in experiencing a response time that makes Verizon customer service look speedy. Other philosophy professors chimed in agreement in the comments, and even more added their stories at UChicago prof Brian Leiter’s popular philosophy blog.

This poor reputation for turnaround, combined with the unpopularity of its in-house editorial process (which some non-Columbia professors see as hurting its impartiality), has even led Leiter to suggest a boycott of the journal. Bwog believes in a different way to settle things.


(photo: WallyG/Flickr)