Here we go again: the Spectator is currently planning an overhaul of their website (for those curious, it’ll be the third such overhaul in four years). An email to Spec staff reveals that the new homepage will squash all of their current Splogs (check out our coverage here) into one giant mega-Splog to supplement the print edition–you know, a Voltron/Megazord kind of deal. Onward, new media!
@pdg well, yeah. that last kid was a douche, but his design actually WORKED there’s no real point to doing it again, especially because it makes it impossible to properly keep track of all the great old content the spec used to have. nowadays, the only way to get at that stuff is to haul yourself to butler 4 and look at the paper’s old days on microfiche.
@Sheesh Spec has redone its site more than Facebook…
@I am your father Univ closed tomorrow? Pray tell.
@.... jesus christ? really spec? you realize you’re wasting tens of thousands of dollars right there?
@or It’s a way for another aspiring young web designer to put a “ground-up redesign” of the campus newspaper website on his resume.
@and in a year, that same aspiring young web designer will turn into a principled freedom fighter and crash the website into the ground. And the cycle begins anew…
@From the State of Texas What? Stop spreading false news
@Snow-Related Updates “At present, the University will be open tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 10, on its regular schedule.
Affiliated institutions including Teachers College and the Jewish Theological Seminary have announced that they will be closed on Wednesday. It remains the case that as of now Columbia University and Barnard College are planning to open tomorrow as normal.
However, due to changing conditions and weather reports we strongly encourage everyone to check on the homepage or call for updates about the University’s status and schedule. For the Morningside campus call 212-854-1754; for the Medical Center call 212-305-7300.”