Close the books! Shred the papers! Karate chop the laptops! Dump the contents of your backpack where you stand and go outside to listen to the music, soak up the sun, and pop ogle the bloons!
But really, the green flag is up and swaying gently in spring’s buoyant breath. Go sit on the lawn! (‘Cause the steps already look pretty full from here.)
@anon let’s steal the green flag and fly it whenever the weather is good
@Disenchanted Student Who wants to be that the fields will be closed until prospies come again on campus? Why Columbia, why?
@Days on campus This is a school of lies!
@Anonymous Who the f**k is playing the flute outside since noon? It’s bad and it’s preventing me from sleeping after an all-nighter due to hw and essays. Thanks, douchebag.
@Anonymous wtf does oogle mean?
@person I thought this was appropriate:
@tee hee hee I like the idea/image of karate chopping laptops.
@Anonymous yeeeah, 10 page paper due in 15 hours… thesis statement just formulated…why weather gods, WHY?!
@CC'13 i have one due in 1.5 hours and another at midnight TURN OFF THE SUN