Fruit Paunch costume

Hello, Bwog reader. Welcome to Where Art Thou?, Bwog’s Wednesday feature that tells you about all the super fun artsy things you can do in the Morningside Heights area and beyond. Do not let this week’s list of events fool you—Columbia is quite the hip, artsy community. Just not so much this weekend. Does your event demonstrate just how funny and artsy and cool Columbia is? Then tell us about it at


  • SUMMER PHOTOGRAPHY7:30pm – 10:00pm in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel. Stop by the Chapel Friday night for for the opening reception of Postcrypt Art Gallery’s first show of the year, SUMMER PHOTOGRAPHY, featuring over 20 artists and over 100 works. There will be free snacks.
  • Afropolitan Journey to Africa: Culture and Dance Show, 8pm in Roone. Afropolitan is a cultural show that ASA puts on every year depicting important aspects of African Culture. The show deals with current events on the continent, and includes a fashion show, dances, comedic skits, and an educational portion. Tickets are $10 at the TIC.


  • Fruit Paunch Presents: Joketober!, 8pm – 9pm in Furnald Lounge. Fruit Paunch is Columbia’s oldest improv group. If you’re looking for an improv fix, stop by Furnald on Saturday to see Fruit Paunch’s fall show! Free.