Interested in celebrating the fall harvest in style, but can’t find a good free-standing structure with a palm-leaf roof nearby? Chabad Lubavitch has conveniently set up a super-mobile sukkah on Broadway between 113th and 114th streets for your religious observance needs. For those unfamiliar with Jewish High Holidays, Sukkot is a weeklong festival commemorating the bounties of the previous year—kind of like Jewish Thanksgiving. It started last Wednesday at sunset, so you still have a few days to celebrate, whether in the back of a U-Haul pickup or on solid ground.
Also, Hillel’s celebrating the Festival of Booths with their own Sukkot themed version of the MP3 Experiment. L’Chaim!
@from Chabad Chabad Sukkah Mobile will be making the rounds on both Morningside and Medical Campus Monday & Tuesday.
@As a Jew.. I don’t always drive a pickup truck,
but when I do, it has a Sukkah on the back
@wow reliogious people are fuckin scary
@Anonymous How long do you think it took Chabad to ghostride that sukkah?
@challenge there’s one in barnard’s quad lawn, pretty sure hillel has one somewhere. are there more? (besides the mobile one obviously)
@Anonymous Yup, Chabad has one – with Jazz tonight at 8pm. And sometimes one of the greener groups sets one up by Pupin.
@Anonymous – from Jazz in the Sukkah