Then stop by the Bwog meeting tonight. Make your way to the Event Oval Entrance in the Diana at 7pm—not the SGO as usual!!! for warmth, company, and delicious snacks. We’ll talk of features, new pitches, and anything else you’d like to see cropping up ’round this part of the interwebs. And it’ll give you an excuse to grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks on your way. You know you want one.
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@lend a hand– get it
@cc05 it’s called the anatomical snuffbox. triangle between extensor hallucis brevis and extensor hallucis longus tendons. pull your thumb out and back and they pop and some 19th century anatomists used it for snuff. it’s awesome that it’s called the same in Hebrew, but I was also confused about the picture’s relevance.
@Anonymous bwog, what is with the picture? is there a connection between the nickname of the “dorsal part of the wrist” in hebrew and this post?
@Anonymous bwogian absurdism
@Anonymous you never need a reason to break out the ‘brew
@it means snuffbox… i have no idea the relevance.
@True fact Pumpkin spiced lattes are disgusting.
@false lie! you tautological tar-bird, pumpkin spice is the shit. Why doesn’t Joe’s make those????