Yesterday’s XKCD comic “Externalities” changes its content based on a couple of factors, including which school is leading in a hash-breaking contest. How the whole thing works is explained pretty well here, but what we really want to bring to your attention is that Columbia is currently tied with MIT for 3rd place, behind Carnegie Mellon University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. This is simply not good enough.
Bwog is pretty sure that its conception of a hash-breaking contest is far from accurate, but anybody who thinks that they can solve the mysterious problem “Currently looking for Skein 1024 1024 input matching” followed by a long string of numbers and letters should immediately go help Columbia out!
@DBA Nice work Jason, but you’ll need a CUDA-capable variant to win. Any ideas?
@Jason @DBA: Apparently there are CUDA implementations of Skein. Want to give it a whirl?
@DBA Sorry, didn’t have time. But looks like you guys are going to do all right. Good work!
@Jason If you’ve got an OSX or Linux box, inside a screen or tmux session, type:
git clone
cd almamater
@Anonymous Running it on the entire CS dept clic cluster, but I doubt I’ll improve over 390 in time.
@Anonymous What is more interesting is that the National Security Agency is 6th, presumably a dude called Adam Greig is 9th, and further down the list we have cuntstunts, sexandcity and fuckgmail among countless other vulgar terms. Cheapens it a little.
@Anonymous xkcd sucks. It’s not really a comic, it’s just a poorly-illustrated collection of anti-social musings and pathetic attempts to seem intelligent: “Look at how smart I am, I read an obscure Wikipedia article about something science-y”
@Anonymous And before anyone who loves xkcd criticizes me, let me just say that I actually do understand many of the jokes and references. I just don’t find them funny at all. It’s primary sense of humor is “look how wacky my ideas are! I barely fit into society because I’m so unique and know about math and Linux and understand things in ways that dumb ordinary people don’t!”
@Anonymous I don’t think you get it
@* univeristy
@Anonymous Skein? Pshhh! Keccak all the way.
@Anonymous the cs department has the entire team on their back, as per usual