The era of Bloomberg is coming to an end. PSA: if you’re voting in the New York city mayoral primary today, you need to go to Lenfest Hall, on 121st street between Amsterdam Ave and Columbus. Unlike in past years, you won’t be able to vote in Wien. (NBC)
You might think your parents are useless with technology, but at least they aren’t literally living like it’s still 1986. (the Atlantic)
Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos reminisces about his first year at Columbia, back in 1978. (ABC)
Apparently more incoming Harvard students have cheated on their homework than have had sex. Hah. Classic Harvard. (Business Insider, youtube)
Also at Harvard, you can only have a social life at the Business School if you’re super rich. This would never have happened when DSpar was there. (NYT)
Flowers via Shutterstock