Peel your eyes off
those LitHum study guides CC flashcards Netflix and get ready to congratulate some lovely ladies. Phi Beta Kappa just announced its newly elected members at Barnard, so be sure to give them big hugs/ high-fives/ whatever you think is appropriate.
We’ve included a picture of the list on the right, but just in case you can’t read the names, here they are:
Danielle Arje
Rachel A. Barnes
Dare Anne Speers Brawley
Kacie Lynn Dragon
Rabia Iqbal
Elianna Tova Kaplowitz
Daniella Mael
Michelle Ann Schwartz
Ana Svibruck
Lacey Tompkins
Ellen Dulsky Watkins
Yintian Yang
Congrats, ladies! Y’all are rockstars.
@Rabia Woohoo Rabia!! Congrats! Go Barnard chemistry :)
@kacie you rock!! woot. Best RA eva.