Sophomore stragglers, get excited to get shafted! Welcome to our seventh and last day of housing coverage. We’re going to be camped out here all day to give you up-to-date Housing coverage, answers to your questions, and awesome stickers. We’re also probably going to eat a lot of free candy, but that’s besides the point. Feel free to ask anything that’s on your mind in the comments and we’ll do our best to answer.
@Anonymous These sophomores make no sense. Why is Plimpton still available? Why are there still non-Mcbain doubles?!?!?!
@When Does online selection begin? I had to drop from my group
@Alexander Pines Online selection begins on the 14th and takes place on that day, the 17th, and April 23rd through May 2nd. The application for summer transfer opens up on the housing portal on May 5th.