This was labeled "sexy bottle of beer."

This was labeled “sexy bottle of beer.”

This weekend was a grim and dark affair. Those who ventured out, despite the second round of midterms, experienced many a strange happenings. Read through this week’s submitted tips, and be sure to tip your bacchanal musings to


  • “Went to a MUN party at the Sheraton with a friend in town, after having seen Guys and Dolls at Carnegie Hall.  But it was all people from small town Nebraska who decided being in New York was a good excuse to go insane.  And having just come from a swanky event I wasn’t really feeling the getting blackout vibes so it was awkward.”
  • “I went to Ruggles, got more keyed, more awkward but the night turned out well.”
  • “A friend of mine was at an MUN conference at the Sheraton, I went to visit him and ended up hanging out with 30 Canadians until their 6am flight?”
  • “Stayed in Butler the entire weekend, but I heard people outside having fun.”


  • “I got stoned, went to Tamasha, then went to a party in EC. I hung out at the party, but still ended up with a group at 1020 where the most relevant thing that happened was cigarette smoking.”
  • “My Friday night was marked by utter sexual failure.”
  • “I saw a horrible show down in Brooklyn but it was balanced out by really good pizza and a really hilarious movie.”


  • “I didn’t leave my room on Saturday but then I made up for it by going to see Captain America 2 at 10:30 on Sunday night.”
  • “I went to a party at EC attended by every person who won the elections and half the staff of the Lion, then I was bored so I went to my friend’s room and watched Frozen.”
  • “I went to a paint 5K/horrible EDM concert and got splattered with powder paint.”
  • “Saturday night I went to a party fairly stoned. The population of the party was entirely grad students and adults all of whom were white in the absolute most granola way (bikes and hemp types) and one drunk Indian dude who was cool. Someone decided to do a play based on brecht on the spot to celebrate a birthday and I spent much of the party talking to an opera singer with a snaggle tooth. Also, the birthday girl did not enjoy my music selections.”
  • “Someone who did not live in my suite puked in my bathroom between 8:30 and 11:30 Saturday morning.”
  • “I spent two nights in butler getting super bitter. By the time i went out on Saturday, I was just pissy and annoyed with everything. Also my friend puked in a bush.”
  • “Saturday we wanted to get out of our suite so we trekked to my friend’s brother’s apartment to smoke somewhere with couches, good stereo systems, and nice lighting.  It was great and produced some of the most wonderful discussions about folk music and philosophy I have ever had.  But the walk back was brutal.”
  • “Paint party EC 10th floor.”
  •  “Someone from the paint party is getting cava’d; someone dropped a tampon in the turnstile.”

That awkward feeling via ShutterStock