Come grab some delicious and multicultural free food today from 11 am to 4 pm on Low Plaza at the Language Fair for the Less Commonly Taught Languages. (Yes, that is the title.)
Languages with participating instructors include Persian, Dutch, Czech, Finnish, Vietnamese, Swahili, Ukrainian, Wolof, Catalan, and other members of the Sole Language Instructors Club. Students can meet with these instructors to discuss their language, culture, and traditions.
Food from some of the represented cultures will also be served throughout the day, which will surely be more authentic than John Jay’s attempts at ethnic cuisine. What a great way to have a global day!
Oooh pictures via the Language Resource Center
@hat tip you spelled ukrainian wrong.
(i know, it is hard to spell.)
@Anonymous Columbia offers more foreign languages than any other major university in the US.
@Steve The title’s a little redundant, granted. The term “LCTL” is problematic to reconfigure, it has a specific connotation:
This event is named after the main Academic Language Fair that takes place in September. Hence, the formula: “Language Fair” + “Less Commonly Taught Languages”.
Thanks for the feedback. We’ll contemplate a rebrand for the next go-round.
-Dept. of Language Redundancy Dept.
PS: on another linguistic/style note, it is indeed “flyer”:
@Persian The language so nice they listed it twice