-1You have 23 hours left to catch Fruit Paunch’s 24 hour comedy show. We know you crave improv in the wee hours of the morn, so thank goodness you can finally leave Butler at 3 am and go directly to Low for the comedy you desire! The event started at 5 pm today and will go until 5 pm tomorrow, so go watch Fruit Paunch “shatter their brains doing 24 straight hours of improv.”

To break up the 24 hour chunk, the Fruit Paunch has special “niche” hours for you to enjoy:

Control Top hour: 10:30pm-11:30pm
Fruit Paunch AND Control Top: 11:30pm-12:00am
Fruit Paunch Alumni Hour: 1:00am-2:00am”

*If it’s raining (like it is right now), the even will relocate to the tent next to Dodge.