ADI should serve these tonight

ADI should serve these tonight

ADI (Application Development Initiative) is hosting a “Columbia Plays Mario” event, similar to Twitch Plays Pokemon, in Lerner Cinema tonight.

ADI is putting a spin on this past February’s rather successful social experiment, which sought to have people from all across the world play Pokemon together, each from their own individual computer.

Bwog encourages you to embrace your inner child and collaborate with other Columbians to race to the checkered flag, collect coins, avoid koopas and shells and do other fun things with your favorite highly pixelated video game man.

The deets:

9 – 11 pm in Lerner Cinema

Bring your laptops and/or smartphones!

Also take a peek at the Facebook event!

In the meantime, get pumped up with the Mario theme music!


Bwog is a child once more via Wikimedia Commons