Bwog <3 slots

The high rollin’ times of Spring Break 2015 have come and gone, and we successfully abused all comps available to us to ensure we don’t remember a good portion of it. You could say we have an addiction, but we took tips from our friends at MIT and got enough bank from counting cards to pay off all our mistakes. Wherever you put your money over break or over the next weekend, let us know how you fare at

Double or nothing

  • “Acquired a lovely pair of casino shoes.”
  • “Went clubbing in Universal Studios and friends got banned for a year. We were escorted out by security.”
  • “Celebrated super pi day with Einstein impersonators.”
  • “Visited my local state school and threw up three times on their campus, woke up early to catch a flight to my actual spring break plans and threw up there as well. In the bag.”
  • “Spiralized every vegetable in sight and ate ’em raw.”
  • “A woman walked up to me and said, ‘You’re so white I almost have to put on my sunglasses to see you.'”
  • “Saw high school friends. Drove around town for the most part, and got very nostalgic for five years ago, without acknowledging that it was mostly driving around town wondering what things would be like right around now. “
  • “Ate breakfast outside with my parents one day. A baby chick jumped on the table and stole 1/2 a muffin.”
  • “Got a hookah, asked my mom to ship it to me–she freaked out, wouldn’t listen when I said it wasn’t a bong, and is probably going to throw it out :/”
  • “Went to an art class with my mom and got really wine drunk whilst trying to paint poppies. Saw my nephew who just turned 10 months old. He can finally stand on his own but he doesn’t know they move yet!”

Breaking the bank

  • “Spent the last night of spring break with Sixteen Handles, School of Rock, and my sister’s couch and it was blissful.”
  • “Watched all of Empire. I’m glad I waited to start it so I could binge the whole season. Spent quality time with my dad and learned he once built a whole log house by himself. What a champ.”
  • “Drank a daily piña colada followed by a Bahama mama. Convinced two Chinese vacationers to help me write my Chinese essay. For the last supper of spring break I ate a carb trifecta of waffles, pancakes, and french toast.”
  • “Stayed up late all break, then fell asleep at 9 pm the first night back in my dorm.”
  • “Played Cities: Skylines. Got drunk on godlike power. Realized I was mostly building playgrounds to raise suburban property value. Enjoyed myself anyway.”
  • “Ate a Voodoo doughnut!!! Did not drink at all, ever. Went to Canada and spoke French with the border patrol. Proud of myself. Hit a new personal record for number of different Starbucks patronized in one day.”
  • “Visited 4 airports in less than 24 hours. Learned the Denver airport is haunted.”