Look at this baby panda. Look at how cute it is. Is it possible to even be upset while looking at this baby panda?
Yes, a lot of terrifying things are happening in the world right now – the Syrian refugee crisis, terrorism in Paris, the eventual degradation of life as we know it due to the slow workings of climate change (not to mention finals) – but sometimes, it’s important to sit back, breathe, and remember that good things are happening, too. This morning, Bwog brings you a few good things.
Good Thing #1: When Ben Carson’s campaign team made the mistake of putting five New England states in the wrong places on a map of the US, they brought to light a widespread issue in the current American education system. This gives Carson a great opportunity to make education a major part of his campaign. (Will he do it? Who knows.) (Washington Post)
Good Thing #2: Bei Bei, the newborn giant panda cub at the National Zoo in DC, has an official set debut! Unfortunately, on January 16, 2016, the zoo workers most likely won’t hold him above their heads while the Circle of Life plays in the background, but he’ll still be pretty damn cute. (Reuters)
Good Thing #3: New York City restaurants are getting upgrades! Starting next year, over 300 popular restaurants will begin using Salido, a new software system that combines processing food orders, scheduling employee shifts and manage inventory, along with other applications that make managing a restaurant more efficient. (NY Post)
Good Thing #4: Jessica Jones, a new Netflix/Marvel series about the similarly named heroine, debuts tomorrow. This R-rated series, starring Krysten Ritter, is set in the same darker, grittier realm of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that it started to explore with Daredevil. And David Tennant is in it! (USA Today)
Good Thing #5: An international team of scientists in the US and Australia has, for the first time, captured the formation of a new planet on camera. LkCa 15, a star 450 light years from Earth, has been observed as surrounded by a vast disc of dust and gas – an ideal environment for the growth of planets. Scientists are watching it closely to gather more observations. (Eurasia Review)
The chill, adorable pet Bwog wishes we had via Shutterstock