Oh, the beauties of Sunday morning. Whether you prefer Maroon 5 or Velvet Underground, there’s No Doubt about it: Sunday mornings are the best. Although, if you’re in the majority and still have more finals looming overhead, it probably doesn’t feel like the best morning. But you can do it! Only three more days (at most) before Winter Break officially commences. In order to make it through, you’re gonna have to get pumped. But don’t worry. Bwog is here to help.
Bwogline: Get pumped about pets! Really, really old pets! Archaeologists found the remains of captive carnivores – a puma, eagle, and wolf – in Teotihuacan, Mexico this week.This means the practice in antiquity of keeping captive carnivores for ritualistic purposes began almost 1000 years before we thought it did. Spanish conquistadors described Moctezuma’s zoo at the Aztec capital, but it turns out Moctezuma wasn’t the first to have a pet puma. (The Epoch Times)
Study tip: Stay away from the energy drinks, and stay hydrated with water instead. Try not to double your normal daily coffee intake, and avoid Monster/Red Bull if you can. Remember, taking 3 capsules of 5-hour Energy does not result in 15 hours of energy. Most likely, it means crashing into a wall – either figurative or literal. One Bwogger bought military gum off Amazon last week, and they can attest: not a good idea.
Procrastinate: Get some exercise! Mental activity is great and all, but physical activity is equally important in times of stress. Take your pick: Dodge fitness center? Rooftop yoga session? A run in Riv? Or even in Central Park? Lucky for you, climate change has ensured that you can still actually exercise outside. It’s barely started to feel like December recently, but maybe your Florida/Cali/etc. heart just can’t take this wind chill. So if worse comes to worst, and you can’t brave the cold, settle for Dodge. If you can manage to go outside, put those running shoes on, start jogging down Broadway, and don’t look back. True, you might miss your final, but it’ll be worth it.
Music: From the title, to the cover photo, to the description, to the track listing, this playlist is bound to help you succeed (or at least survive).
Overheard: (On Low Steps) “DJ Kahled is the only thing that has inspired me to keep going this week.” …Hope things get better for you soon, dude.
Bonus: Whether you’ve seen it already or not (and we hope you have by now) this video is sure to get you amped. Get ready for girl power at its finest.
Straight pumpin’ via Shutterstock