Trying to imagine the future now is quite strange.

Trying to imagine the future now is quite strange.

Brazil’s Congressional Committee voted in favor of a motion which proceed with a vote for or against impeaching President Dilma Rousseff. President Rousseff effectively leads a minority government and was placed in the midst of a corruption scandal and investigations over the past year or so. (The Guardian)

CNN streamed a town hall event with Presidential candidate and Governor of Ohio John Kasich. Anderson Cooper moderated questions on legal personhood for the unborn, his allegiance to his pledge to back the nominated RNC candidate, and an excess of political experience. The same will occur tonight and tomorrow night with the families of candidate Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz, respectively. (CNN)

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is frantic to cut a deal today with the European Union and International Monetary Fund regarding Greek spending. Prime Minister Tsipras already holds a fragile parliamentary majority and faces another default if the next €5 billion aid delivery is continually delayed. (Reuters)

Industry leader and all-around-cool-guy Elon Musk is celebrating with the industry what some compare to a “Moon Walk for New Space Age.” SpaceX has an overall goal of “revolutionizing spacecraft and colonizing Mars,” which might actually come to fruition with the success of landing a reusable rocket on a drone automated ship. Besides revolutionizing the rocketry industry even more so than they already have, it’s just really freaking cool. (Bloomberg)

Rockets are freaking awesome via Michael Seeley/CC-BY-A-2.0