Another weekend, another list of regrettable endeavors performed by yours truly, the staff of Bwog. Sit down, relax, and enjoy the tales and mistakes we made over the past weekend.

Look out SEAS: we have a new generation of individuals who are engineering our future, one pad at a time.
Bwog and Relationships / Hooking Up:
- Finally hooked up with someone I’ve been flirting with for weeks!
- Hooked up with the guy i’ve been talking to two nights in a row!
- Found out that a guy who brought my friend home from The Heights, matched with me on Bumble, and matched with my other friend on Tinder has a girlfriend.
- Woke up to my roommate hooking up with a guy while I was in the room.
- Set a new record for the nicest apartment i’ve hooked up with a girl in (Columbus Circle)
- Found out my best friend has had mono for the past month; counseled her as she texted various boys to tell them.
- Tried to end an unhealthy and unromantic relationship but found no closure.
- Received the most mixed messages from a guy that I’ve ever gotten.
Bwog and Food/Drinks:
- Ate an entire loaf of bread in slightly over 24 hours.
- Finished my first bottle of NyQuil of the semester.
- Drank more Keystone Light than I have in at least a year and absolutely regretted it.
- Quickly chugged a G&T after my friend got physically removed from 1020 so that I could go comfort her.
- Had a literal foodgasm at Pisticci.
- Happened across this restaurant in Chinatown that I had gone to when I was like 9 years old and had such intense deja vu that I ended up going inside and having a meal.
- Watched someone chug half a bottle of raspberry-flavored vodka.
- Spilled Peach Snapple all over my bed and had to prematurely wash my sheets (they still had another week.5 of freshness).
- Hid a bottle of wine from a security guard in a Reid elevator.
- Went to my first Sofar show where my date and I split a 1.5 L bottle of wine and got very drunk.
Bwog Out and About:
- Got behind the wheel for the first time in a month and got into a fender bender. It wasn’t my fault but I made sure I was extra nice to the police officer that responded.
- Got stranded in Hell’s Kitchen after the bus I needed to take was cancelled; proceeded to walk 6 avenues to find out that the subway was running express, so I walked another 10 blocks just to get onto a train.
- Had to walk through the same crowded area of Times Square….four times…to get my Macbook repaired.
- Sprinted through Times Square station from the Q platform to the 1 platform at 1 am because I was drunk and I could.
- Ran into a childhood friend on Amsterdam.
- Went to a pool hall and realized that I’m much worse at real pool than I am at iMessage pool.
- Woke up in an apartment on 150th Street with no phone battery and didn’t even realize I wasn’t in my own bed for a bit.
- Went to NYU library to study with my girlfriend and it was more crowded than Butler.
- Ran into a supervisor from my summer internship smoking outside my dorm. I think we were equally surprised.
- Went on a tour of Dartmouth at 2:30 AM.
- Held three pads to the ceiling of an Academy bus, while it was in motion, for almost an hour.
- Had a passionate discussion about how boys suck with a girl in line at 1020, then gave her my number and told her my guy friends are her guy friends and I will protect her from nasty boys.
- Argued with my friend about how I’m too tired to go to 1020 and then watched her fall asleep mid-argument.
Pads on the roof of a bus via Bwog Staff
@wow the people who work for bwog are so cool i bet you’re all in cumb too so edgy
(still love u finn pls marry me)
@wow the people who work for bwog are so cool you guys are fucking sick
especially finn klauber
love that guy