Unrelated photo but happy belated birthday to our EIC Betsy!
Every so often, one weekend will be so wild and eventful that every Bwog Staffer is teeming with stories and highlights of their weekend. Lucky for you, this was one of them. Whether it was due to the open frat parties because of rushing or just the desire to rebel two weeks into the semester, here is the synopsis of Bwog’s weekend adventures.
Bwog in the City:
- Was driving with my grandfather in the country and he hit a deer and subsequently had to carry it out of the street with his bare hands while wearing a suit. I’m still having Bambi themed nightmares.
- Went to the sauna for the first time.
- Spent my Saturday night (6:30pm to 3:30am) at the Brooklyn Public Library for the night of philosophy.
- Went to Times Square at midnight to meet my roommate so we could watch “The Shape of the Water.” Realized there were no theaters showing it then and we ended up walking around downtown until 3 AM.
- Traveled to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.
- Saw Phantom Thread and sat in the theater for 10 minutes after it ended, contemplating my life.
- Also saw Phantom Thread (again) and also spent a solid ten minutes sitting in the theater after the credits stopped rolling trying to make sense of love/life/all that jazz.
- Went to an event at which Chuck Shumer was speaking to take notes for my internship but fell asleep three-quarters of the way through his speech.
- Went to a bizarre little club in the basement of a Chinatown hotel.
Bwog and Food:
- Babysat in a super crazy bougie penthouse on the UWS and stole a bunch of their San Pellegrino.
- Got brunch with my childhood best friend after not having seen her for years!!!
- Discovered that my friend’s mini-fridge literally contains nothing but bottles upon bottles of Coca-cola mixed with whiskey.
- Ate an entire box of Eggo waffles in the span of 40 hours.
Bwog and Alcohol/Weed:
- Successfully scored weed at a frat; promptly remembered my New Year’s resolution to give up smoking lol.
- Got so drunk I hiccuped for an hour straight.
- Bought vegan, gluten free edibles from a cute guy on Instagram and ate them while watching American Crime Story: Versace with my friend.
- Made ravioli for my friends! Got trashed with even more friends and made a vodka slushy at JJ’s.
- Smoked too much and had a panic attack while watching a Taco Bell commercial because it was “too real.”
- Walked the High Line while hungover.
Bwog and Parties:
- Pretended to be a stoop boy at ADP after being denied entry as a RUSH.
- Celebrated the minute I turned 21 with peppermint vodka shots.
- Went to a party with hickeys that I thought were faded enough that no one would notice, but everyone noticed.
- After ADP, ran into a boy who I made out with once and haven’t spoken to since; he introduced me to his friends as his best friend and I tagged along for the rest of the night.
- Went to 1020 for the first time; it was kinda underwhelming, but I did get free drinks.
- Went on a rant about my love for the NY Giants after being questioned by a football player. Hooked up with said football player at Mel’s. Ended the night chanting “OBJ” with a guy wearing his jersey.
- Hosted a Grammy’s party and screamed (the bad kind) when Bruno swept.
- Fake finally came, went downtown to a boujee bar/club with two boys (one who was 10+ years my elder) and decided to text my parents at 3AM that I was partying it up with a 31 year old
Bwog and “Love”:
- Had sex with a boy who had a 101º fever (this may be regrettable).
- Ended up at the apartment of a guy whose father co-created Dora the Explorer (discovering upon further research that it was worth $14 million).
- Had a fairly intense argument at 1020 about whether a cute guy was gay or straight or bi.
- Hooked up with a guy for five straight hours on Saturday.
- Celebrated my 1-year anniversary with my girlfriend at the place where we first went on a date, and the food kinda sucked this time and was also way more expensive than I realized.
- Went on a date wearing so much green I looked like a tree. The date still ended well, though ;)
- Changed my spring break plans so that my roommate could get laid.
- Kissed in the rain (wow!) with this guy that I’ve been casually seeing. Hair was frizzy and I was messy but I did not care.
- Had a guy try to hook up with me solely because I’ve hooked up with a guy in the frat he’s trying to rush and he wanted “the connections.”
- Pretended to know a lot more about Kanye’s discography than I actually do while on a date.
Miscellaneous Bwog Things:
- Watched Saturday Night Live live for the first time.
- Watched the first 2 hours of the Pride and Prejudice BBC miniseries.
- Played Mario Super Smash Bros for the first time.
- Spent two days at training for two separate jobs.
- Bought a bunch of nightgowns and I now refuse to wear anything else
- Stayed in bed all weekend because I got the flu (on my birthday). :(
- Stayed up until 6AM working on a special project (stay tuned)
Free vodka shots via Bwog Archives
1 Comment
@betsy bae happy bday betsy <3 <3 <3