Become a Daily and receive nice comments like this one!

Daily Editors are the backbone of Bwog. They assemble our Bwoglines, they write our tags, they keep our site running when the rest of our staff is slacking. Without Dailies, we would be merely a group of forty students crammed around a table in Lerner, shouting dumb pitches at each other. And this semester, we need new people to fill these esteemed positions. (Exact number of new Dailies needed is TBD; it will be announced at Sunday’s meeting.)

Each Daily Editor is responsible for managing Bwog on one day each week. This includes sending out a lineup the night before, writing Bwoglines, announcements, and breaking news posts, editing and scheduling posts by staff writers, and cross-posting to Facebook and Twitter. Yes, it means you get to write the tags. Dailying is a great position in particular for first-years who haven’t yet sold their soul to any particular student group and are looking to get more involved at Columbia; through the position, you would learn a great deal about what’s happening on campus.

If you’re interested, fill out the application below and send it to by 11:59 pm on Friday, January 26 in the form of a Google doc or .PDF document titled “*First Name* App.” But before you do that, you might want to come check out our first open meeting this Sunday, January 21 at 9 pm in Lerner 510.

Here’s the application:

About Bwog:

  • Tell us about one Bwog post you liked, one post you didn’t like, and why for both.
  • What is your favorite tag?
  • Come up with three sample post ideas that you would like to see on Bwog.
  • Draw Bwog.

About you:

  • Why do you want to join Bwog?
  • What do you think Bwog is?
  • You’re taking Bwog out on a date! What would you do? Where would you go?
  • What about Columbia might you be interested in writing about?
  • Send us a screenshot of the open tabs on your browser.
  • What three days work best for you to Daily?

Poster via former Daily Betsy Ladyzhets