Did you find someone to run off into the sunset with via Senior Scramble?

Didn’t get the Senior Scramble matches you were expecting? You weren’t the only one, and there may be a reason for that. Bwog has received numerous reports from seniors that they believe the Senior Scramble algorithm did not work correctly, and that they did not receive as many matches as they should have.

For the uninitiated (read: underclassmen), Senior Scramble is like Tinder before Tinder existed–Seniors each list 10 UNIs of people they would like to hook up with before graduating, and if any of those people list them as well, they’ll get an email notifying them of the match in time for 40s on 40.

Numerous seniors, though, have claimed that they didn’t get the matches they were supposed to get–we have received reports of people who believe they should have received more matches, which makes us think these people just have big egos, but interestingly, we have also heard of friends who agreed to list each other platonically who did not match.

So did the algorithm actually not work, or is the dearth of supposed matches due to human error (perhaps typing in a UNI wrong)? Are students saying they put people down that they didn’t? In a statement to Bwog, Senior Underground says that the code did, in fact, work correctly–after concerns were raised, the code was checked over, and SU maintains that all matches were sent out.

Think you were supposed to match with someone that you didn’t? Maybe approach them anyway–with the level of desperation at this school, it will probably work out.

tru wuv via Bwog Archives