The Union Theological Seminary is where Bwogger Leena goes to pray to the Burke water fountain.

Dear Burke Water Fountain,

You’ve been there for me through it all. Through my emotional first round of finals back in fall 2016. Through my phone calls home. Through my smuggled study snack breaks of tangerines and veggie chips.

But, I haven’t always been there for you. And for that, I’m truly sorry.

While you were falling into disrepair, I was off seeing other water fountains. Like other thirsty college students, I was eagerly drinking from the intense streams of cool, refreshing water in the Milstein Center.

Now I know, I was wrong. In the end, these other water fountains just can’t replace you, no matter how new and shiny they are. And by the time I finally admitted to myself how much I needed and wanted you, it was too late.

In your quiet, cozy corner at the end of the dim hallway of the top floor of Burke, you’re in silent pain. And I know it may be too late, but I hope — no, I need — you to take me back.

How can I make it up to you? Please let me know. I desperately need you, and I swear it’s not just because I’m too much of a wimp to walk any further than Burke in the winter weather.

I’ll give you the attention and care that you deserve. I’ll notify Facilities. I’ll carry a folding chair upstairs to keep you company. I’ll do anything. Please, just let me feel your refreshing flows run across my tongue again.

I’m all yours from now on, forever.
