If you haven’t heard, it’s Valentine’s Day. For some of us, that means going on a romantic date, eating a nice dinner, or watching an overplayed rom-com. For others, that means exploiting the campus’s free chocolate and condom resources. Bwog has you covered with a list of all of the Valentine’s Day festivities happening on campus.


  • CU Swing Dance hosts events every Thursday at Yehoodi’s Frim Fram Jam at 412, 31st street near 8th avenue. You can meet them at the main gates at 9:00 PM or meet them at the club. It’s $7 with a CU/BC ID, and you don’t need a partner to go! This is perfect for couples or singles on Valentine’s Day.

Grams of Various Kinds

  • Columbia University Wind Ensemble is selling music-grams to be delivered in various ways, from phone calls to in-person serenades with fresh roses. Prices range from $5-$20. You can place orders here to be delivered through February 17th.
  • Planned Parenthood Generation Action is selling condom-grams for $3. You can buy them at the table on Lerner Ramps today!

Caaaaan you feeeeeel the love toniiiiight? via Flickr.